Room + HumNyaWe = The Hoom
A 2D collage that composes the screen by cutting and pasting various objects, combined with a sense of 3D space. 
The Hoom, based on a room with a steady color palette that seems to have been dipped in water just once, is created by adding the uniqueness of HumNyaWe to the Room, resulting in The Hoom.
The artist's signature, the EYEBALLserves as a reflection of both the artist themselves and "everyone." The diversity in human appearances is largely attributed to eyelid shapes and skin textures, as the inner structure of eyeballs remains primarily similar. The ‘EYEBALL’ in Hmnyawe's works doesn't aim to identify specific individuals; instead, it invites viewers to inhabit HumNyaWe's universe while simultaneously observing the world through the artist's eyes. It's like playing a video game character and seeing the world through their perspective.

- The housemates are now in the seating area -

- Big bro -

- I think I felt a drop of rain -

 - Nothing can hurt me in bed -

- Cozy Winter -
The Hoom(s)

The Hoom(s)
